Hi everybody, welcome to the webpage for this amazing art book. This is a compilation of all the amazing drawings made by all the different illustrators in Little Witch Academia. It's available for download here on our site. You can also buy a hard copy of this book, it's only $20 and we will ship it to you anywhere in the world! For those who don't know, we're all huge fans of Little Witch Academia. It's an amazing anime, and all the characters are so charming. I think one of the things that appeals to us the most about them is their cute looks. Every time they show up on screen, they have these adorable expressions on their faces. We love being able to see them again and again in new places, doing new things. And all of this is possible due to Studio Trigger's fantastic writing. They have a way of writing characters that really lets them shine. I think another thing that makes the characters so charming is the voice acting for them. We love the voices, they are really done well! We can't imagine anyone else voicing Akko or Lotte or anyone else. That's why we wanted to make this art book in honor of all the amazing art we've seen in Little Witch Academia. The Little Witch Academia Art Book contains over 350 pages of beautiful illustrations and profiles on all your favorite characters and they will show you how much work and attention to detail goes into making an anime character come to life. It also explans how Studio Trigger goes about making anime. If you're a fan of Little Witch Academia, this book will help you appreciate the gorgeous animation even more. Plus it shows off tons of amazing artwork that would make a great addition to any fan's collection. We hope to get at least 100 people to buy this art book. This way we will be able to pay the illustrators and the artists for all their hard work and we would love to see more amazing art books like this in the future. If you're interested in purchasing a copy, just go here: http://www.lwsdigitalcollective.com/ [the link has been taken down by DA admins?] [ARTICLE END] The Little Witch Academia Art Book contains over 350 pages of beautiful illustrations and profiles on all your favorite characters and they will show you how much work and attention to detail goes into making an anime character come to life.
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